Sunday, December 20, 2015

We Can Make a Positive Difference

Last night we watched the film, Beast of No Nation. It was a horrifying film, but an important film for adults in our world to see. It's difficult to imagine that such atrocities occur in our world, but we know from recent events in our own country that we have to stay mindful of what it takes to secure freedom and protect the rights and lives of people near and far, particularly our youngest people.

What makes people commit crimes of such human atrocity? What turns humans away from our wonderful potential to do what is right and good to acts of horror? Probably, like me, with regard to the San Bernardino murders, an initial thought was how could any mother, after giving life, take life away with such disregard. Unfathomable.

I delved into the topic of anger a bit more after watching the film, and found this great response by Martin Luther King, Jr. after he had been beaten by a stranger, "The system that we live under creates people such as this youth, I am not interested in pressing charges. I'm interested in changing the kind of system that produces this kind of man."

How can we better our systems at home and in the world to make positive change so that we don't "produce this kind of. . ." man, woman, child, home, or community.

Last night, I caught the end of the Democratic debate. We are fortunate to have two very strong candidates who will commit themselves to changing systems to better support humankind. This is good news. When we look around at our communities, we are also reminded, as Obama reminded us yesterday in the news, that there are so many good people doing what's right day in and day out to create a better world. We have to deny the smug, better than, and prejudicial attitudes of leading Republican candidates for president, criminals, and international leaders who play on people's fears and propagate hatred and abuse with backward vision and plans. It's hard to believe that still exists after the publicity of so many horrible events in history that demeaned humankind with atrocious, violent behavior and disregard of all that it can mean to be human.

We need to share our best gifts to make positive change and lives for those we love and care for in our homes, our neighborhoods, our places of work, communities, country, and world.

I was heartened by Clinton's final words in the debate as she recollected her new role as a grandmother and her will that we build a better world for all children in our country and elsewhere. If our focus is on doing best by children, we will do best by all. For too long the earnest, loving, and naturally kind ways and needs of children have been lost in the ambition of so many. Let's turn inward this holiday season to find the strength and love to support what is right and good beginning with the youngest of those around us. Blessings to all.

Article from which I copied the MLK quote.