Some that I work and live with differ substantially from me with regard to philosophy related to life and work. I think about their points of view, perspective, and activity and try to understand our differences. I often change my point of view after consideration or I may move towards their view while not necessarily changing mine, but instead enriching or modifying my beliefs.
There's not one way to parent, teach, or be a friend. In fact the richness of this work and these relationships lies in our unique personalities, strengths, passions, and styles. Think of all the people who have impacted your life. I imagine they filled many roles with many different ways of being and acting. It was the variety and differences, I believe that probably, in part, resulted in a positive impact.
I am the first to accept our differences, but I'm also probably the first to speak up when our differences are demeaned or disrespected. I shun "one size fits all think" and rigid guidelines/principals because like a noose, too-tight parameters suck the blood out of me. I need space, time, and freedom to create, teach well, parent, and be a good friend, and when I have that kind of space as well as respect and care I work so well. However, when tied to strict philosophical principals that often times have little real research or data to support their merit, I become very frustrated as I know the potential and time lost by such constraints.