Monday, January 14, 2013

Building Learning Communities?

Imagine a school system decides to broaden their definition and moves to a learning community definition. What would that include?

It may broaden in these ways:
  • Building greater intersections with local museums, libraries, universities, health centers, nature preserves, local businesses and government.
  • Creating greater online connections to build global connection and information exchange.
  • Changing learning schedules from typical factory-time schedules to more varied learning schedules.
  • Building the student base to include not only young children, but family members, community members and interested others outside of the immediate community.
In most communities, the elements of learning communities exist, but the missing piece is the interconnection of all those agencies that service the educational needs of people. How do we better organize and systematize the elements available to optimize learning for all?

The possible result is increased community and care--that's a fine result.