Monday, April 08, 2019

Too Much Test Prep!

Students signaled their exasperation with MCAS prep as we reviewed the math problem types and online tools today. I tried to convince them that to know the strategies and understand the tools is in their best interests when it comes to doing their best, but for many, it was one review too many. As any coach knows, whether it be athletic or academic coaching, there's a sweet spot when it comes to just right practice, and we may have exceeded that practice quotient today. Mostly, one-size-fits-all review sessions are just not a fit for a homogenous class that has a wide range of skills, abilities, stamina, knowledge, and concept.

That being said, today was our last all-class MCAS prep. After today, we'll move into collaborative practice as well as a short, new unit which I hope will capture their attention. I'm sure I'm not alone when I write that I'll be glad when students have completed the eight tests they have to take between now and mid May--that's a lot of tests, and the goal now is to keep their energy positive and fresh so they can do their best. Good, fresh energy will hopefully be the result of little to no homework, extra recess, time to play after school, and some fun project work too.

As we look at curriculum programs, we have to look for the right balance. Eight tests in one month is too many, but that's what's on the agenda so we do our best with it. Onward.