Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Final Two Days of the School Year: Remote Teaching 2020

Today marks the second to last day of the school year. The day's big event is Move-Up Day--a day when we meet our 2020-2021 fifth grade class. This is always an exciting event, and although it's virtual this year, I know we'll bring the same enthusiasm and care that we bring when the meeting is in real time.

The end of the year has included all of the typical events in the virtual sphere. Last night students watched their exemplary performances in the fifth grade play, The Show Must Go Online. The creativity of teachers and students was showcased in this wonderful production that captured the humor, collaboration, and skill remote teaching and learning required. While students did not get to put on a live performance, they learned a lot about television/film production and performance. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of these budding artists end up in Hollywood in the future as actors, musicians, set/costume designers, producers, or directors. The show was amazing.

Today, current fifth graders will discuss year-long memories as we look at pictures of the year's learning, talk about the play production, and share questions and ideas related to the school year overall and summer vacation. I'll end the meeting with the incredible video that the principal shared yesterday (see below).

Tomorrow there will be a drop-in time for students who have last minute questions and share, then there will be a homeroom meeting to share a parent-made video of the children's elementary school experience and finally a virtual clap-out celebration by the entire school.

While virtual, we were able to replicate all of our traditions, celebrations, and signature learning events of the fifth grade year. I am so pleased that we did that.

Summer will find me focused on some personal goals as well as two major learning goals related to the books, White Fragility and Limitless Mind.

Time to ready for the exciting and meaningful remote teaching day ahead.