Coming to terms with your blind spots is a great source of renewal and betterment. Where is it in your life that you've been blind to potential, positivity, and good living?
As I think of this today, I am thinking mainly of people I've turned a blind eye to--people who were, perhaps, crying out for acknowledgement, listening, help, or understanding, that I didn't listen to, respond to, or take the time to understand. My blind spots have been more about people than events.
As I think deeply of two people that I was somewhat blind too, I realize that their needs were overwhelming to me, and the ways I was called to help seemed unreachable. Hence, I turned a blind eye on these people. I didn't know what to do. In hindsight, I wish I had been upfront about that feeling. I wish I had simply said to the people, I feel your anguish, your need, your desires, and I simply don't know what do do. How can I help you? Had I said that, I know that in both cases, the persons in need would have responded with kind direction. They probably would have said, I appreciate that you care, and what you can do for me is . . . . . The specifics, I believe, would have been doable.
Thinking about this reminds me that we are remiss if we don't simply express our unknowing in situations like this. To own our unknowing is to create a path to knowing, and in both of these cases, I would have been much more helpful to simply ask, How can I help you? What can I do?
When we are overwhelmed by need, it's best to look deeply at that need and to recognize what it is about that need that creates our own angst, inability to act, and blind spots. To turn a blink eye is to deny the potential for betterment that exists, but to instead take the time to be curious about a problem, think about it, and then to inquire and act is far better. Onward.