Saturday, February 03, 2018

Choice and Impact?

What are your systems' overarching goals?

How did your system arrive at those goals?

Were the voices of all stakeholders included in goal setting?

Are the needs of underrepresented populations apart of those goals or do the goals mainly serve those with greatest resources, political power, advocacy, and voice?

How do you make sure that your goals are equitable?

How do you measure your success with your goals?

As I think about my goals and the goals in the system I work in, I think we do a good job, but can do a better job.

For example, I think we need to think with greater depth about our underserved populations--are we really making the time to think creatively and deeply about how to serve those students better? What significant goals do we have in this respect, and how do we measure, analyze, and revise those goals to better serve students that fall into this realm?

Sometimes I think that educators may choose goals or endeavor that look good, but don't necessarily serve the most important goals of an institution. I believe we all can fall into this trap--it's easy to serve those who are more familiar and more readily grasp onto the goal path and reach success. It's a lot harder to go the extra mile to truly serve the hard-to-reach, underrepresented, and under supported students in your midst.

As I think about this myself, I know that I could serve these students better by providing extensive before- and after-school time with one-to-one and small group help. All of the students I'm thinking about have what it takes to learn well, but they need greater individual and small group targeted support. I'd like to provide that extra support but as it is I'm already working up to five extra hours a day just to keep up on the curriculum planning, research, and review needed to run the program for all students with integrity. To add those extra hours all the time, which I do from time to time, would simply make me too exhausted to fulfill my typical obligations.

So what's a teacher to do?

First, I'll prioritize well and make the most of the time I have. I'll also work with colleagues to "divide and conquer" our responsibilities so we can serve as many students as possible. I'll also reach out to families for their support with curriculum objectives since we have dedicated, caring families, and I'll advocate for systematic changes that can provide more time-on-task support for student learning.

I will also ask the question about impact often. I will look at efforts and think about how that time is used and who it is impacting student learning as evidenced by numbers and result. I will advocate for greater teacher leadership, voice, and choice when it comes to decision making and teaching well.

As you can tell I'm a bit overwhelmed at this juncture because as I look out at my learners, I know that every single one of them is capable of extraordinary learning and success. There is so much that we can do, but there are limitations too. So I'll use this stress to do the best I can with good prioritizing and move forward. Onward.