Saturday, April 01, 2017

"Stay Engaged. . ."

In reading the local news, I read Senator Warren's words, "It shows how important engagement is," she said, "and that the only way we're going to fight back against the agenda that Trump and Washington Republicans are pushing is that we've got to stay engaged."

These are good words for any sphere of critical action--if you want change, you have to stay engaged. If you want good work, you've got to stay engaged. If you want development, you've got to stay engaged.

So with that in mind and a world of possibilities, how shall I target that engagement?

Math Teaching/Learning
I will teach out the year, and then assess the program this summer to make it better. If the opportunity arises to work on this with colleagues at school during the school year, I'll do that.

I'll be a follower on this committee contributing as I can and helping out. I am most interested in the work and support related to high needs students.

There's a lot happening here, and I'll focus what time I have on the local union work, the TPL committee, and learning more.

I'll study and prepare for the new projects as time allows.

I want to think deeply about how I will use my time well to contribute to the good team I work with.

I'll report on this year's goals, and wait until the new year begins to ascertain next year's goals as I'd like those goals to be in concert with the new superintendent's vision if I agree with it.

Classroom Community
I want to continue to foster a positive classroom and grade five team community with my colleagues. I look forward to discussing the difference between cliques and teams with them soon.

Working with those who have differing philosophies. . .
I will continue to think about this topic. I love the model that Nelson Mandela reflected in this regard--a model of working with all no matter your disagreements. I'll continue to strive for this kind of work.

Riding the waves of challenge. . .
Rather than rid my life of challenge which is unrealistic, I want to better my challenge wave riding--challenge will always be a part of life and it's how your navigate those challenge waves that matter.