". . the fundamental purpose of public school--physical spaces dedicated to and people committed to educating a nation--is a good one." "In an age when segmentation of society keeps people apart from those who think, look, and live differently from how they do, schools bring us together to learn from and with one another." "As a nation, we can imagine many different models for school, but the fundamental idea that we build places where all children can come together to learn remains one of the best ideas we've ever had as a society. We shouldn't lose it. We just have to make sure our schools reflect the time in which we live." - Lehmann, Chase, Building School 2.0:
I am a big fan of the potential public schools hold for our nation and world.
I want to be able to express that support with as much knowledge and thoughtful speak as possible.
I will begin a list of documents, quotes, and other information here as I do this research.
- Why Public Schools
- When we give away our money (taxes) to the few to decide for all of us, we run the risk of diluting and losing our democracy. It's important that the tax payers retain voice and choice when it comes to spending tax dollars. Giving away our tax dollars to private investors to run schools will put the emphasis on those private investors' gain rather than the gain of students all across our country. To think that only those with power (investors/private sect) can decide well for our children, is to diminish the rights and responsibilities of all American citizens. It is up to us as a democratic people to support, contribute to, and lead public schools together in ways that give each and every American child the opportunity to dream, learn, prosper, and eventually contribute to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" for United States citizens and people across the globe.