Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Amazing Author Visit

Bear Alert Amazon Link
You may want to visit David Biedrzycki's website.
Thanks to the efforts of our school librarian and funding by the PTO, the children's book author, David Biedrzycki, visited our school today and made a presentation to every class. He was amazing!

Mr. Biedrzycki is a terrific storyteller, writer, illustrator, and tech savvy artist. His quick-paced presentation led students through the story writing/illustrating process from the idea stage through publication. He also shared with us his new book, Bear Alert. The book is a wonderful story that uses clever play on words and reference to multiple bear stories, images, and connections throughout time. I can't wait to read the book again, and will definitely think about purchasing a copy for one of my young relatives.

So, if you're looking for a dynamic author/illustrator, or "authorator" as he jokingly referred to himself, to inspire student authors, I recommend David Biedrzycki.

Note: He also introduced us to Sumopaint which I can't wait to try.