Friday, August 01, 2014

The Dilemma with Overplanning

In most cabinets, I like to have an empty space, drawer, or cubby--a place for the unexpected.

Similarly, classroom open circle routines are suppose to include an extra chair in case a visitor drops in.

It's the same with the daily schedule in school, it's best to leave some time for the unexpected.

Today in my home, it's a light day. An unexpected event happened, and it wasn't that stressful since there was the open time and mind to deal with it.

I struggle not to overplan as the expectations are extensive, yet as I move into the new year, I want to make sure that every learning experience leaves room for the inevitable unexpected moments that learning and teaching bring.

The dilemma with overplanning is that it doesn't leave time for these unplanned for moments, moments that are often critical to the success of the teaching/learning points and community.