Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Responding to Godin's Challenge: "The other kind of laziness."

Yes, Seth Godin continues to challenge me. I am enthusiastic about the challenges posed today in his post, "The other kinds of laziness." In a sense, in his posts, Godin is reframing the way we work and live, and the way we think about work and life. I truly enjoy his positive daily challenges in the posts he writes.

We often think of laziness as a lack of doing something, but in his post today, Godin demonstrates that sometimes laziness is a choice to act in ways that are less beneficial to the work we do and people we serve. This is how I'll meet the great challenges posed in the post quotes below."

"There's the the laziness of racism and sexism, which permits us to write people off (or reward them) without doing the hard work of actually seeing them for who they are."

A simple way to meet this challenge is to listen, observe, and ask questions more often. The next response is to continue to build ability as a culturally proficient educator.

"There the laziness of bureaucracy, which gives us the chance to avoid the people right in front of us, defaulting instead to rules and systems."

Build ability and time to collaborate with thoughtful, slower face-to-face discussion and teamwork rather than just speedy emails and fast speak. In other words, build relationships that matter.

"There's the laziness of rules of thumb, which means we won't have to think very hard about the problem in front of us, and don't have to accept responsibility for the choices we make."

Work with others to think deep, challenge "the way we've always done it," and consider the important details in order to move efforts forward in ways that matter.

"Or consider the simple laziness of not being willing to sit with uncertainty. . . ."

At times, wait for the right response or answer as a powerful way to solve important problems and craft new ideas.

"Emotional labor is very different from physical labor. It's hard to measure for starters, and it's easier to avoid, but the consequences are significant."

Emotional labor or emotion work is a requirement of a job that employees display required emotions toward customers and others. This is a critical factor with regard to teaching well, and it's a factor that educators should discuss as teams to help one another to set, understand, and meet expectations in this realm.

"When we find ourselves looking for a shortcut, an excuse or an easy way out, we're actually indulging in our laziness."

Do good work in the first place.

"The hard work involves embracing uncertainty, dancing with fear and taking responsibility before it's given to us."

Take responsible risks to do the good work possible in responsive and proactive ways.

"Don't forget the laziness of letting someone else tell us what to do, ceding the choice-making to anyone bold enough to announce what we're supposed to do next."

Embrace collaboration and shared leadership--work together to make the best choices with and for students with regard to teaching and learning. Take turns leading your team.